Welcome to our best crypto signals Telegram guide.
Here you’ll find the harsh truth about the crypto industry plus the only 3 Telegram signals groups we actually trust based on our 5 years of experience in this space. We’ll also cover all things signals in-depth. Including where to find them, how to use them, and how to choose a provider.
If you’re looking for free or paid trading signals, you have to be very careful. 99% of groups are scams. We know because we’ve tried them.
There’s still plenty of opportunity to make money, and signals can be a HUGE edge, especially for new traders. You just need to be very careful and always verify providers first.
Please read through our experience in full before making a decision – it could save you thousands of dollars or more.
Telegram Crypto Trading Signals - Our Brutal Experience
The first time we heard about trading signals was back in 2017 during one of the earliest Bitcoin booms…and they sounded AMAZING.
“What, really? You can make money trading with 0 experience? Some expert just hands you a plan and you copy it?”
We found some “guru” with a “team of experts” behind him that offered “INSANE” 90% win-rate signals – sometimes 5-10 per day.
It sounded too good to be true.
That’s because it was.
After promising dozens of signals, they ran off with hundreds of dollars of our money.
Sadly, the crypto signals industry hasn’t changed at all since then. In fact, it’s actually getting worse.
99% of operations work the same way. They lure traders with some bogus free Telegram channel promising grade-A, “insider” signals. Then, instead of anything remotely resembling a real trade plan, all you get are doctored results and messages pressuring you to upgrade to a “VIP” group.
They only show you the best results, and don’t provide ANY details on how they make their signals (or who’s behind them).
Once you pay a ton of money – sometimes thousands of dollars per year – they either run off or don’t deliver on any of their promises. And the ones that do deliver usually just deliver shoddy-at-best signals based on “a hunch”.
When things go wrong they blame you or say “crypto is risky, bye!”.
Most professional traders know how shady the industry is, and are very wary of ANYONE offering signals. If you’re relatively new to trading, you have to be EXTREMELY careful.
The 3 Best Crypto Signals Telegram Groups of 2022
OK, so after all that fear mongering, we want you to know it’s not all bad.
There’s plenty of opportunity to make good – even great – money with crypto signals. You just need to learn how the game works and who’s actually legit.
You know all those “10 best groups!” articles on Google? They’re paid for. Nobody’s done their research. They just list whoever pays the most.
Now that you’re probably scared half to death, let’s cover the only Telegram groups that passed our criteria.
1. ProfitFarmers

Price: FREE
OK, we know how this looks…but please let us explain.
It feels a bit wrong to rank ourselves #1 here, but unlike pretty much everyone else, we actually back it up.
Here’s why ProfitFarmers has the best free crypto trading signals on Telegram:
We Actually Give Real Value for Free
Most free crypto signals Telegram groups are nothing but spam. ProfitFarmers crypto signals lite actually provides full trade plans like the one you see here:
Once you’re in our group, you’ll regularly receive real signals that you can actually use to make money. This is a legit full trade plan including the entry zone, multiple targets, stop loss, and leverage.
You could even check out our semi-automated trading platform where you’ll get copy-trading, stop-loss, laddering, and at least 5x the signals plus all take-profit targets (but only if you really want to!).
You won’t find signals this good anywhere else at any price.
And here’s why…
Our Telegram signals are just born different
78% of our completed signals made profit in 2021. Here are the results to prove it.
That means if you had just “blindly” traded based on our recommendations, you’d have won nearly 4 out 5 of your completed trades.
That’s not because of luck.
Our signals perform better because we use ruthless AI combined with decades of trading experience to deliver the right signals at the right time. Most companies use human traders to monitor charts and come up with “trade ideas” – trade “maybes” that could happen in the future, but who knows. They’re educated guesses at best.
With ProfitFarmers, you don’t get a signal unless our system detects that it’s the exact right time to get in the trade. And since we’re using AI, we aren’t subject to human error, tiredness, or pressure to deliver signals. It’s only ruthless precision.
Our Free Signals Are The Same As Our Paid Ones
Most services give their trash signals in free groups and keep paid ones for their VIP customers. That way, you’re forced to upgrade to get anything resembling a decent signal.
At ProfitFarmers, our free and paid signals are the same – paid members just get more of them and more take-profit targets.
Detailed And Transparent Reporting
Scammers in this industry really piss us off.
That’s why we want to be open and honest about who we are, how our signals do, how much they make, and how we determine our percentages.
Aside from providing monthly and yearly reports on our signals, we also:
- Show our faces
- Show how much our signals gain at each take-profit target
- Show the average depth
- Show losing trades
We have nothing to hide. Most companies don’t even provide a real support email, let alone register a business or show a face. That would ruin their scam!
Try our free Telegram channel, and get your hands on our free trading MoonBag with tips, education, and trading tools.
2. AltSignals.io

Price: $135/month
We personally know the folks over at AltSignals.io, and they’ve been kicking A** in this industry since 2017 providing very solid Forex and crypto spot and future signals to 50,000 members.
They’re one of the most accurate, transparent, and unique signals providers out there (besides us!).
In an industry full of hyperbole, spam, and used-car-salesman promises, AltSignals is very down to Earth. Just analysis, signals, and coaching – nothing too outrageous.
Normally, alarm bells start going off as soon as we land on a company’s page. AltSignals, however, passed every test we put them through.
Here’s what we liked:
- Transparency: Company registration, address, phone number, and owner’s name provided. Scammers almost never do this, because then you’d know who to sue. This is a great sign.
- Detailed reporting: They provide detailed reports on wins, losses, and gains directly on their homepage, though they don’t talk much about how they calculate wins/losses.
- Proprietary software: AltSignal’s AltAlgo Indicator scans the market and shows you when to buy/sell different cryptos. The fact that they put months and months of work into developing a useful trading tool shows they know what they’re doing and they’re a legit operation. Check out this screenshot to see how it looks:
Now, for the drawbacks:
- It’s not cheap: The AltAlgo Indicator is only available on a lifetime plan ($2,000 +). And crypto/Forex signals are $135/month. They’re worth it, but you pay for what you get.
- No advanced trading tools: Signals and trading indicators are nice, but all the manual work is on you. You’ll still suffer from all the regular agonizing trader issues like lack of sleep, human error, and hours spent analyzing charts.
3. CoinCodeCap by CoinMonks
Price: $70/month
CoinMonks is a veritable crypto media empire with everything from trading articles and crypto news to a podcast, YouTube channel, and of course, a crypto signals Telegram group.
At the very least, you can be sure they know what they’re talking about. It’s sad, but the people behind most Telegram groups are usually just randos with 0 real crypto knowledge.
CoinMonk’s Telegram signals service – CoinCodeCap – is affordable, reputable, and fairly transparent compared to most other services. Their free Telegram signals group even provides legit signals and analysis from time to time:
“Gaurav”, the man behind the media giant, is on Twitter and Linkedin, plus provides his email address for inquiries.
Again, we can’t stress enough how important it is to deal only with reputable companies who prove they know what they’re talking about in the crypto space. If they don’t provide any info, analysis, online profiles, or legit email address, run.
CoinCodeCap doesn’t provide any palpable stats on their signals or their performance (at least not that we could find). But other than that, it looks like a very solid service from the outside.
Your subscription comes with access to spot, premium, high leverage, and futures signals as well as in-depth analysis. That’s great value for only $70/month. That’s roughly $2 a day.
The Ultimate Guide to Telegram Crypto Signals
If you’re new to the crypto space, it’s worth your time to take 10 minutes to read this complete guide to Telegram signals to familiarize yourself with how this industry actually works.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there. And frankly, 99% of companies overcomplicate and oversell things in an effort to get you into their VIP group.
This is all way less complicated than you think it is.
In this guide, you’ll find answers to questions like:
- What are crypto signals?
- Why are they like a trading cheat code?
- How do crypto trading signals Telegram groups work?
- How do I choose a signal provider?
- How to get started with Telegram groups?
Let’s get to it.
What Are Crypto Signals?
Crypto signals are complete trade plans telling you which coins to trade, the right price to buy/sell, when to take profits, and where to set your stop loss. They’re usually “broadcast” by experts in the crypto space with years, if not decades, of trading experience (or at least they should be).
These experts monitor the market and predict future trading opportunities based on a number of factors, then they pass those ideas along to their subscribers. That way, you don’t have to do any analysis yourself. You just copy their trade idea, and – hopefully – profit.
They usually include the following:
- A trading pair (EX: BTC/USDT)
- An entry zone (a range in which to buy the coin)
- Take-profit targets (prices at which to sell a portion for profit)
- Stop-loss (a price at which to exit the trade to prevent losses)
Here’s an example signal from our free Telegram group (shameless plug):
What Are The Benefits of Using Crypto Signals for Trading?
The main benefit of using signals for crypto trading is that they help new traders make profit without needing to do technical analysis or research the market. If you’re new, you can use these signals as a guide while slowly gaining knowledge and experience.
That way, you make money and learn simultaneously rather than losing trade after trade as you “get your crypto education”.
If you wanted to make a trade plan on your own, you’d have to research and analyze charts to see which coins were a potentially profitable pair, decide on the right price to buy/sell, set different targets to extract profits (requiring more analysis), and then determine the optimal stop-loss price to get yourself out of the trade losing only the minimum.
This takes hours and hours of work and requires a ton of trading experience to get right.
That’s why everyone – beginners and experts alike – LOVE trading signals.
Instead of doing all that work, you get a complete trade plan right in your hand. All you do is follow the plan and make gains (hopefully). As long as you have basic trading knowledge, you can make money.
Think of it like getting the answers to the test from the smartest kid in class. You don’t have to study or read anything. Just pay for the answers and fill them in (we don’t condone cheating!).
How to Choose Crypto Signals in Telegram?
This is going to sound harsh, but we want to keep it 100% honest with you:
99%+ of signal groups are scams, and choosing the wrong one could totally ruin your trading career. Be very careful, and NEVER pay for expensive packages until you’re sure the signals work. Also, be sure to only trade small amounts you’re comfortable losing.
The good news is most reputable signals channels have a free version you can test before jumping in. If they don’t, run. And if their free group is only spam to upgrade to their “VIP” group, run faster.
Here are a few criteria to evaluate Telegram crypto signals providers. If you put in the time to research, you should be just fine as long as you proceed with caution:
- Signal performance: This sounds obvious, but not in the way you might think. Yes, you want winning signals. But most providers are not honest about signal win-rate. Look for detailed reporting like our trading signals results. Sign up for a reputable free group and personally test the signals with a few cheap trades. Does the provider give any reasoning for the trade or any market updates/analysis? This is the only way to know if they’re legit or not.
- Test the free group for spam: 99% of free signals groups are spam-a-thons full of fake results, useless updates, and offers to upgrade to ultra expensive paid groups. Test the free group and see if they actually provide legit signals. At least a few per week is a good sign. Green flags are full trade plans, real market updates, signal results (both wins and losses), and regular communication with actual people at the company.
- Reputation: This goes without saying. Check TrustPilot, their website, Reddit crypto communities, Quora, and anywhere else you can find on the web. Check the company’s Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedin too. Is the founder open and honest or are they hiding? Anyone who’s not transparent is lying to you.
Which is the Best Telegram Channel for Crypto Trading Signals?
ProfitFarmers free crypto signals group is the best Telegram channel for crypto trading signals, and it’s not even close in our minds (surprising, we know).
We know this looks like shameless self-promotion, but we haven’t found a signals group that’s remotely close to what we offer yet.
Here’s what you get on top of what most groups offer:
- No spam
- Full trade plans including leverage
- Advanced trading tools to help make your own trades (price-action and relative-strength index scanners)
- Real market analysis
- Frequent signals (typically at least 3 per week)
- We rarely bother you to upgrade to a paid signals group (unless we have a special offer)
That’s the key – we don’t have a paid signals group, so we don’t spam you to upgrade to one, and we aren’t under pressure to deliver massive amounts of BS signals just to FOMO you into paying.
We are a complete trading platform including signals, copy-trading, auto-trading, and advanced trading tools. We give our real signals for free in our group just to show you that we actually know what we’re doing, then let our platform speak for itself.
What have you got to lose? Give it a try for free and see for yourself.
How to Get Started With the Best Crypto Trading Signals Telegram Group?
Getting started is really easy. Just join our channel, wait for your first free signal, and trade on any of the major exchanges like Binance, Kraken, or Coinbase.
You can also grab our free moonbag that includes all of the following:
- Premium trading signals (78% win-rate)
- Our Price-Action Scanner (spot the best coin pairs at a glance with color coded action indicators)
- Our Relative Strength Index Scanner (instantly see overbought and oversold assets at a glance)
- Expert education (video guides and live training sessions!)
Verdict - The Best Telegram Crypto Signals Channels
We would say this, but ProfitFarmers free signals is the best channel. We offer so much more than every other group. Winning signals, real market updates, and advanced trading tools all 100% free – what else could you want for $0?
But in the end, we just want you to be very careful when choosing a free or paid Telegram crypto signals channel.
The vast majority are outright scams or full of signals barely better than educated guesses from a guy under pressure to deliver signals to hungry subscribers.
Do your research and test free groups by making small trades over the span of a few weeks until you know what you’re getting into.
Just follow these tips and you’ll be just fine:
- Always test the free group first, and run away from spammy channels.
- Research the company in-depth. Are they transparent, legally registered, and active on social media? That’s a good sign. If not, run.
- Never pay for 6-12 months up front for only signals.
- Don’t pay more than a few hundred dollars per month max. Some scams ask for $2,000 – $3,000…run!!!!
- Look for detailed reporting on signal performance, and never trust companies claiming to win 90+% of trades at all times.
Good luck!
Telegram Crypto Signals F.A.Q
Q: How do I use Crypto signals in telegram?
A: You use crypto signals in Telegram by manually entering the different information from the trade plan inside a crypto exchange. You choose the coins, buy in the entry zone, and sell off at the different take-profit targets. In ProfitFarmers, the system does nearly all of this for you.
Q: How do Telegram crypto trading signals channels work?
A: Telegram crypto trading signals channels come in two forms: free and paid. Experts – or companies claiming to be experts – generate trading signals and send them to their subscribers. Normally, free groups contain little to no legit signals and are only full of spam trying to get you to upgrade to paid VIP groups.
Q: Should a crypto trading signal include take-profit and stop loss orders?
A: Yes, crypto signals should absolutely include take-profit targets and a stop-loss order. That way, you don’t have to constantly monitor the trade or risk losing everything. The trade terminal will sell off portions of one coin at each take-profit target and exit the trade if the price goes down. You won’t have to constantly monitor the trade. The signal should also include leverage and risk-to-reward ratio if possible.